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English Path runs first Younger Learner Programme in Dubai


"A dream became real." "The best English teacher I ever had."

"I had an amazing adventure … it was my 3rd time in Dubai and I had never seen so many things as during this trip."

"What an amazing experience this has been from our arrival at the airport and been greeted with a huge smile despite the masks, to the beautiful residence, amazing campus, exciting activities and extraordinary organisation, EP Dubai you rock!"

Just a few comments from the very first EP group of Young Learners and leaders, study on our winter camp in Dubai!


It has been an honour to run this first camp, a rollercoaster of emotions among our little and not so little ones. There were tears of happiness during their course, and few so sad as they realised it was time to go home! 

The excitement was palpable in their big smiles every morning on our way to the campus, bus runs were loved as it gave everyone the chance to have a powerful nap prior our enjoyable lessons, food was not always our cup of tea but we learnt how to adapt to a different cuisine and the chef adapted to our requests.

Even if the weather was not our side during the first days but we adapted, amended our afternoon and evening activities and we kept enjoying. The sun finally decided to visit us and warmed up our desert safari and yacht party - it was a blast!!

We loved every minute of this once in a lifetime experience! Dubai is definitely a top destination to improve English in an extremely safe environment! More Young Learner Camps coming soon in the UK, Dubai and Malta!

A big thank you to Mary-Ellen Wright, the teachers, and the Dubai team for all their support!



a rollercoaster of emotions - a lot of different feelings; a mix of positive and negative.

palpable (adj) - so strong you think you can touch it.

not... our cup of tea - not enjoyed by everyone.

a blast (n) - really good / enjoyable

once in a lifetime - something you are likely to do only one time