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Language journals: a fascinating and creative way to track your progress


Have you ever had a situation when you were learning a language for a long time and kept questioning yourself: “Am I making enough progress?”  

First of all, it’s a very reasonable and good question to ask yourself no matter whether you are learning a language or any other new skill. Even though it’s sometimes difficult to measure how well you are doing in the language learning process, you can still analyse some steps you take towards your perfection.  

Read the questions below and think of your own progress. Take your time, allow yourself room for reflection and hesitation: 

  • How much time am I spending to learn a language? 
  • Which skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) am I focusing on? 
  • How many new words have I learnt over this month? 
  • Is it stressful for me to use the language I’m learning? (In what situations? How do I cope with stress?) 
  • What is my current language proficiency level? 
  • Do I enjoy the process of learning? 

Being able to analyse what you feel and how you see yourself as a language learner is an important part of any learning process. It can seem boring and useless sometimes, however, allocating just 5 minutes a day everyday and reflecting on what has been done and learnt can lead you far and significantly ease the whole process. 

You can start with a “language journal,” otherwise known as a “language learning journal” is, in essence, a notebook for foreign language acquisition. A notebook dedicated to new words, forgotten words, vocabulary rules, verb conjugations, irregular verbs– you name it!

So, it’s time to get started! You’ll need: 

  1. A blank notebook 
  1. Scissors 
  1. Glue stick or a tape runner 
  1. Coloured and/or patterned paper or transfer paper 
  1. Markers and highlighters  
  1. Pens (coloured and regular) 

You don’t need to have all these, you might just get away with a notebook and a pen, depending on how creative you want to be. 

Step 1. Design a cover 

Make it “yours”! Have your name on it and the colour you love. You might also want to think of a theme of your journal and whether you want to keep it in your language or the language you are learning. 

Step 2. What is your journal for? 

It can be about ab-so-lu-te-ly anything. Seriously! Write your thoughts about your progress, write down new words, draw. Here are some ideas: 

  • Vocab doodles or lists  
  • Jokes & Cute Pictures  
  • Repeat and review things you learnt from YouTube or a podcast 
  • All types of language learning goals and motivations 
  • Memories from cool things you’ve done  
  • Tracking: Core skills balance, daily contact with an app
  • Your resource lists 
  • Weekly learning plans 

Step 3. Most important! Get creative! 

Tailoring the journal to your personal needs and interests is arguable the best part of the experience. Self-proclaimed foodie? Draw some of your favourite foods and see if you can translate their names into your designated language. The language notebook can become a way of adding language to what you enjoy and love. 

Remember to check out more EP blogs on our website here: Blog - English Path Language School