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Improve your English skills in 5 simple steps

Learning English can be tricky, but it's important if you want to communicate effectively. More than 1.5 billion people speak English as their first language, making it the most widely spoken language in the world. Having good English skills can be helpful in all areas of life. This guide can help you improve your English skills step-by-step so you can write better essays, give impressive presentations, and have easier everyday conversations in English. It's a clear and practical approach to improving your English skills. 

Before you start, remember that learning English is not just about memorising the grammar rules. It's about understanding the basic concepts of the language. You need to build a strong foundation of basic concepts such as parts of speechsentence structure, and verb tenses. Once you understand these, you can move on to more challenging parts of mastering English, such as punctuation and style of speaking. So, to improve your English skills, focus on understanding the basic concepts instead of just memorising rules. Let's get started! 

Step 1: Improve your English skills with parts of speech 

Each word in a sentence has a specific job. In English, we have eight types of words called parts of speech. These are – nounspronounsverbsadjectivesadverbsprepositions, and conjunctions. To improve your English skills and create a correct sentence, you need to use the right parts of speech in the right way, in the right place.  

1. Nouns  

Nouns are words that give names to people, places, things, or ideas. For example, ‘dog’, ‘house’, ‘tree’, and ‘love’

2. Pronouns 

Pronouns are words that stop us from repeating nouns over and over again. They are words used in place of nouns to make sentences less repetitive. For example, ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’, ‘they’, ‘we’, ‘me’, ‘him’, ‘her’, ‘it’, ‘us’, and ‘them’

3. Verbs 

Verbs show us what is happening in a sentence. They describe actions, occurrences, or states of being. For example, ‘run’, ‘walk’, ‘eat’, ‘think’, ‘be’, ‘have’, ‘do’, and ‘say’

4. Adjectives 

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. They give us more information about nouns by describing their qualities or characteristics. For example, ‘big’, ‘small’, ‘red’, ‘blue’, ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘old’, and ‘new’

5. Adverbs 

Adverbs are words that tell us how an action is performed by changing adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs. For example, ‘quickly’, ‘slowly’, ‘really’, ‘very’, ‘often’, ‘sometimes’, and ‘never’

6. Prepositions 

Prepositions shows relationships between nouns and words in a sentence. They show location, time, or movement. For example, ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘at’, ‘to’, ‘from’, ‘of’, ‘with’, and ‘by’

7. Conjunctions 

Conjunctions join words or phrases (groups of words without a subject or verb) together to create more complex sentences. For example, ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘so’, ‘nor’, ‘for’, and ‘yet’

Step 2: Improve your English skills by understanding sentence structure

Sentence structure is how words are put together to create a correct sentence. It creates a foundation for building good English grammar skills. It is also important for clear and correct communication. There are different ways to write a sentence, but they all follow a basic formula: Subject + Verb + Object.  

Sentence = Subject + Verb + Object 

  • The subject is the name of a person, place, or thing doing the action. 
  • The verb is the action word. It tells us what the subject is doing. 
  • The object is a thing that a verb acts on. It can once again be a person, place, thing, or idea. 

For example, Harry Potter (subject) caught (verb) the golden snitch (object). 

So, before writing next time, take some time to think about how you create sentences. Make sure that your sentence has a clear subject and a strong verb. With a little practice, you can master English grammar skills and start writing correct, clear and interesting sentences! 

Step 3: Improve your English skills by understanding verb tenses and usage

Verb Tenses are like time stamps and show the time when an action happened. In English, there are three main verb tenses – present, past, and future.   

Present Tense  Past Tense  Future Tense 
Present simple: I eat breakfast every morning.  Past simple: He finished his homework yesterday.  Future simple: I will call you later. 
Present continuous: She is playing the piano right now.  Past continuous: We were watching a movie when it started raining.  Future continuous: They will be studying for the exam tomorrow. 
Present perfect: They have visited that museum before.  Past perfect: She had already left when I arrived.  Future perfect: By next year, he will have completed his degree. 

Step 4: Improve your English skills with punctuation

Punctuation is a way of using marks and spaces to help people understand written text. It will help you to organise your thoughts and make it easier to share your ideas with others. Punctuation marks show where to pause and how to organise information. Some common punctuation marks in English are: 

  • Full stop/ period (.): It's like a stop sign for a sentence. When you finish saying something, you put a period or a full stop. 
  • Comma (,): Think of it like a little pause in a sentence. It helps separate things in a list or group. 
  • Question mark (?): This is for asking questions. When you're asking something, you put a question mark at the end. 
  • Exclamation point (!): When you're really excited or want to show strong emotions, like being surprised or happy, you use this! 
  • Semicolon (;): It's a bit like a super-comma. You use it when two sentences are connected but could stand alone. 
  • Colon (:): This introduces things, like a list or something that explains what comes before it. 
  • Dash (— or —): It's like adding an extra oomph to a sentence or changing. 
  • Apostrophe (‘or’): It's used to show something belongs to someone or to make short words like "can't." 
  • Parentheses (() or ()): These hold extra bits of information that aren't really necessary but can help explain ideas. 
  • Brackets []: Similar to parentheses, but they're often used to add extra information that wasn't in the original text or to make comments. 
  • Quotation marks (“or”): They hold someone's exact words or show that a word is being used in a special way, like in a title. 

Punctuation can be tough to figure out, and there are many rules to remember. But if you can learn the basics, then you'll be able to improve your English skills to write more clearly and effectively. 

Step 5: improve your English skills by building English vocabulary

Once you know how to write a sentence and understand how English grammar works, it's time to start learning new words. There are many easy ways to do this. Check out our list below for some ideas on how to build your vocabulary and improve your English skills.  

  • Common words: Start with words you hear every day, like "hello" and "thank you." These are words everyone uses a lot. 
  • Synonyms and antonyms: Some words mean the same or different things. Like "happy" and "joyful" mean almost the same, while "hot" and "cold" are opposites. 
  • Context clues: Sometimes, the words around one you do not know can help you understand it. Like in "The dog was barking loudly," 'barking' means the dog is making a loud noise. 
  • Word changes: You can make new words by adding new parts to them. For example, adding 'un-' to 'happy' makes 'unhappy.' You can also add things like '-ness' to 'happy' to make 'happiness.' 
  • Read a lot: When you read things like stories or articles, you find new words. Try reading a little bit every day to learn more. 
  • Talk to others: Speaking with people helps you use new words. When you talk, you get better at understanding and saying English words. 
  • Join English Path: Students of all ages from around the world learn English together with us. We offer many courses to help you improve your English skills and achieve your goals. Explore our courses now! 

Remember that mastering English skills is a journey. It takes time and effort to learn and improve. But if you keep practising and trying, you can become really good at it. So, make it a habit to regularly go over grammar rules, practise talking to others, check your writing for mistakes, and look for ways to use what you've learned. Don't be afraid of making mistakes - that's how you learn. Just keep going and you'll get better. Good luck! 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about improving English speaking skills

There are eight parts of speech in English - nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions.

Sentence structure is the way words are put together in a sentence to express a complete idea. In English, a basic sentence usually has three parts: the person, place, or thing doing the action (subject), the action itself (verb), and the thing or person the action affects (object). 

Verb tenses tell us when an action happens. There are three main verb tenses: present, past, and future. Use present tense for actions happening now, past tense for actions that already happened, and future tense for actions that will happen later. 

If you want to improve your English language skills, you should definitely check out English Path. We offer a range of courses for students of all ages, levels and backgrounds. Our professional and dedicated team of experienced teachers are here to help and guide you in your journey and make learning easier. To learn more about our courses, just click here. 

To improve your English skills: 

  • Master English grammar basics. 
  • Build your vocabulary. 
  • Read as much as you can.  
  • Write as often as you can.  
  • Get feedback on your writing.  

And most important, remember that learning English grammar takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself.